Old World Industries 2023 PEAK Performer of the Year

  • OWI News
  • PEAK
  • February 6, 2024

OWI recognizes the 2023 PEAK Performer of the Year: Brian Weiss.

We want to recognize the 2023 PEAK Performer of the Year: Brian Weiss. Brian started with OWI in 2012 working in Customer Service. Within 6 months, he was promoted to a Sales Assistant role, supporting the Southeast. Brian has since progressed his career at OWI to his current role, Senior Account Manager. Many are probably not aware, but several years ago, Brian was diagnosed with Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor (DSRCT), which is a very rare type of cancer. Brian worked through treatment, and with the support of his family, his wife Sam, and his friends, he went into remission. However, in 2022, the cancer returned, and Brian has been in his 2nd fight with this same cancer. While his management team encouraged Brian to take time off, he threw himself into not only his treatment, but also his work. Brian’s attitude and fight have been beyond anything we could ever have needed from him. He has not missed a beat.


In fact, Brian is killing it! When the Sales Team rolled out a “bucket list” contest in Q1 of last year, Brian’s efforts were aggressive, winning new business, new lines, and ultimately taking 1st place amongst the sales team. As we close out the year, Brian’s business results top the charts with volume growth of 11% vs PY and margin growth of 33% vs PY. Most recently, one of our long-standing oil jobber customers told CSO Christie Wilmer, that Brian was the best sales representative they have ever had calling on them across their business.


A remarkable father, husband, salesperson, and fighter. His leadership is astonishing both inside and outside the walls of OWI and we are grateful to have him. We are proud of everything he has accomplished, both personally and professionally. There is truly no one more deserving of the 2023 PEAK Performer award than Brian Weiss.

A Message from our 2023 Peak Performer:


I am honored to have been named the 2023 PEAK Performer of the Year. I was taken by surprise when my name was announced at the holiday party, and immediately filled with overwhelming emotion while walking on stage.


I have always enjoyed working at OWI. The role itself is one that I am passionate about and excel in. The people and team that I work with are more than co-workers, they are friends. OWI has seen me through a lot of happy life milestones and supported me through the more challenging times. Frankly speaking, 2023 was a difficult time personally, navigating through a recurrence of my cancer, its treatment, and all that comes with it. Life is unpredictable and so much of it is out of our control. My outlook continues to help me to pour into my job and the company. This is an aspect of my life I can control and that brings me satisfaction, an openness to challenges, and a sense of accomplishment. I didn’t need anyone to outwardly reward me for performing under these circumstances, but I was genuinely moved by the overwhelming response from my fellow colleagues at the holiday party after being recognized as PEAK Performer of the Year. It was an honor and an unforgettable experience.


As we move beyond 2023 - I look forward to our continued efforts and success throughout 2024!